Events Digest


Seymour Fox Memorial Foundation

Thomas R. Tyrrell

Events Digest
The Irish American Partnership’s 33rd Annual Albany Golf Tournament took place on August 26th, hosted at the spectacular Schuyler Meadows Club! We were delighted to have a beautiful summer day as the backdrop to this year’s tournament. We enjoyed the round with friends and a great time was had by all!
Our sincere thanks to our Tournament Chairman Tom Tyrrell, our Honorary Chairman The Honorable Gerald D. Jennings, and to you for your support in making this one of the highlights of the Partnership Championship Series.
Congratulations to the winners of the Frank E. O’Brien Memorial Trophy – Mike Hutcherson, Rick Matteson, Mike Naughton, and Diane Jorgensen – who went home with the tremendous first prize of Aer Lingus roundtrip tickets to Ireland!