Events Digest
The Partnership’s Young Partners network came together at the University Club of New York for their annual Speaker Series reception and panel.
After a lively networking reception, more than 75 supporters were delighted to welcome our speakers for an engaging discussion on Social Ireland: Representing an Authentic, Contemporary Ireland.
We were welcomed by Director of Development Nicholas Michael and Vice Consul General of Ireland, Ellen Flanagan, who spoke about the strength of the diaspora and the impact of Partnership support in schools and communities across Ireland.
We were joined by panelists Michaela O’Shaughnessy, social media lead at Instagram, Vivienne Sayers O’Callaghan, Irish language advocate & social media influencer, Erika Fox, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blogger, and Jack McGarry, Managing Partner of the Dead Rabbit for a candid conversation about the opportunities and challenges that come with sharing “Irishness” in America across social media.
Our Young Partners lead Grace Gardiner announced $20,000 in direct school grants meaningful to each of the four terrific panelists.

To learn more about the Young Partners New York Chapter, receive updates on future events, and find out how you can support the Irish American Partnership, please contact Grace Gardiner, [email protected].
To join the Irish American Partnership Young Partners group, please click here.