Bee Bots
Scoil Mochua, Celbridge, Co.kildare
I have a strong interest in IT and the manner in which children can learn through their use. As education is evolving and the need of future generations in the workplace is changing I feel it would be highly beneficial to be able to offer the children modules learning how to problem solve through computer programming. I already utilise Scratch and the children get great satisfaction out of this. I would like to be able to offer them a more hands on approach to algorithm design and implementation through the use of bee bots. It is a tool that can be used throughout the entire school starting with the infant classes right the way up to more complex tasks in senior classrooms. I also feel that this would greatly help children who for one reason or another struggle with traditional education models.
Kind regards,
Marie Lally
Funds Requested:
$599.95 Bee-Bot/Blue-Bot Class Bundle (4 Bee-Bots/Blue-Bots with 2 Card Mats, 4 Bee-signer Jackets, and Command Cards)
$799.95 Pro-Bot Six Pack (6 Pro-Bots and 6 Pen Packs)
$279.85 Blue Connection (Blue-Bot and TacTile Reader)
$100 Shipping & Handling
TOTAL: $1,780