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Crumble Coding

St Joseph’s Christian brothers school, Drogheda, Co. Louth

student lighthouses


My class, as well as the whole school, has a real passion and interest in science. The students love taking part in scientific explorations and experiments. My class and I have worked closely with Scientastic/Stem Educational the past few years, carrying out various investigations. We wish to expand our scientific explorations and we would love to have more resources.

Kind regards,
Ellen Dillane

Funds Requested:

€149 Electricity class kit
€169 Chemistry class kit
€44.95 Inicta Eye Scope digital microscope
€445.55 Crumbler Controller& Coding Crumbler Starter class kit
€374.25 Crumble Friendly components-class pack
€114 Pair of geared motors class pack
€50.25 Pair of wheels for geared motors

TOTAL: €1,347/ $1,650
