I am delighted that the Partnership is supporting our work in the education sphere, an area which is of huge importance to young people with stronger educational supports ultimately improving outcomes and reducing the risk of homelessness in later years.
— Pat Doyle, CEO, Peter McVerry Trust
Our Work
Education Centers for Homeless Youth
South Inner City Dublin and Lucan are home to learning centers run by the Peter McVerry Trust. With the ultimate goal of helping them return to regular classrooms, these centers support young people, the majority of whom have been expelled from mainstream education systems.
With Partnership support, the Trust runs these learning centers support young people who, for a range of reasons, including behavioral, emotional, social, or educational difficulties, are unable to attend traditional schools.
In addition, they seek to address the need for nurturing educational settings that address the holistic needs of children and adolescents. This includes improving learning resources and providing social and mental health services through focused academic support in small class sizes and social and emotional support services.
The Trust and the Partnership envision that through the generosity of Partnership donors and friends, all children will prosper, have access to an education system, and have an equal and meaningful opportunity to thrive.

The Peter McVerry Trust, which was founded in 1983 by Fr. Peter McVerry, is Ireland’s largest charity that assists those who are homeless or at risk of becoming unhoused.
The organization offers pathways out of homelessness through the ‘Housing First’, an approach that prioritizes providing permanent housing to those lacking it, making improving their quality of life beyond this possible.
The Partnership and the Peter McVerry Trust share a common vision for Ireland’s future — one in which each young person thrives, has ample access to the educational system, has the potential to succeed professionally in the future, and has an equal and meaningful opportunity to engage in Irish society.
In 2021, the Partnership announced a $1 Million contribution to the Trust — with support from Chairman of the Partnership’s Board and founder of Clune Construction, Michael T. Clune, and Dermot Desmond.
One of the most important aspects of preventing homelessness, especially among vulnerable children, is targeted education investment. The Peter McVerry Trust places a high priority on intervention and prevention at an early stage.